Fields with NaN and Undefined mean that there were less than 3 results, if none all will have those values.
Calculate button there this time, not because of speed, but for comparison reasons.
How to use:
This determines what AC, Conditions the victim has to be in order to be left with the vita you specified
This is also as close to your stats as possible
Stats here box
Your Vita: You enter your Max vita (as you are, not naked nesc.).
Your Mana: how much your Max mana is.
Attack: What you were attacked with.
Its Vita before: The VITA of the VICTIM/Attacked person at full
Its Vita after: The vita you want to leave him with (mostly ppl would use 1 or 2 for fun.
Results Box:
Vita needed: The vita you must be AT, to get your desired damage.
Mana needed: The Mana you must be AT, to get your desired damage.
Conditions: The conditions your "victim" should be in to attain your results.
Remaining Vita: This is the vita remaing on your victim (not ALWAYS gonna be exactly as you specified
after the attack.
P.S I am NOT responsible if you kill someone using this program incorrectly :p
Tips:If vita or Mana needs to be adjusted a bit in the requirements
It's recommended you wait till you regen, before you start to tamper :P else you could
well... regen as you do it, and thus kill the fella and it wouldn't be a cool trick anymore...
Piping is a good way to achieve negative vita, eg...
If you a warrior, and you need 153003 vita to leave him at 1 if he's sanced and -17 ac, but you
only have 152532, equip a spike, after you regen, then pipe down (with herb -15 each)
twice and suck a Root Liqour to adjust -1 each time :)