Master of Experience
 Stats here
Vita Ratio
Desired VR
Mana Ratio
Desired MR
Stat Experience
 Results here
Need: Vita Cost: mil
Need: Mana Cost: mil
Vita should be:
Mana should be:

After you get the needed stats, proceed to buy:
Vita for every

Special notes: To all that don't know what ratio means, it means this...
Syntax... X:Y For every X there are Y amounts
2:3 ratio means, for every 2 vita there's 3 mana e.g. 20,000/30,000 stats

How to use:

Stats here section

Vita: Vita you have. [naked]
Mana: Mana you have.[naked]
Stat Experience: The total exp from 0/0 to The stat you entered.
Metrics: If you choose to view it in bils/mils/k's etc for the Total stat
Vita Ratio: The Vita part of the Vita:Mana ratio.
Mana Ratio: The Mana part of the Vita:Mana ratio.
DesiredVR: Desired Vita Ratio. This is the Vita Ratio you would like to achieve for your character.
DesiredMR: Desired Mana Ratio. This is the Mana Ratio you would like to achieve for your character.

Results Section

Need: X Vita Vita you need to "add" to your current stats to achieve your ratio. [naked]
Mana: Y Mana Mana you need to "add" to your current stats to achieve your ratio .[naked]
Cost: How many mil it will cost to attain The Vita or Mana to achieve your ratio. [naked]

Vita/Mana should be: Vita you'll have after getting your "needed vita/mana".

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hosted by Winterhome