The 10 Security Commandments

Rules? You would ask me the ancient rules, youngling? Here are rules for you, youngling, that you may live long enough to learn wisdom.

  1. Thou shalt never tell anyone thy password, that thy days be long and thy account secure.

  2. Thou shalt never share thy account with anyone, even thy siblings.

  3. Thou shalt use no word of the dictionary as thy password, nor any name.

  4. Thou shalt not write down thy password in plain form, that thy enemies not find it.

  5. Thou shalt accept no unknown files, nor files from people thou knowest not.

  6. Thou shalt open no email attachments by clicking on them, lest they conceal executable files.

  7. Thou shalt run no program, nor open no document, without knowing exactly what it is and that its source be entirely trusted.

  8. Thou shalt protect thyself with anti-virus software and update it regularly, and likewise thou shalt use a secure firewall.

  9. Thou shalt not have Microsoft Outlook nor Outlook Express on thy computer, for they are an abomination in the sight of security.

  10. Thou shalt remember that which sounds too good to be true is undoubtedly not true, and trust it not.
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